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Is low Noise Better? Discussion of Noise Impact on Centrifuge
Tác giả:创始人Ngày:2024-09-06
All kinds of equipment, instruments, and operation processes in the laboratory will produce sound, including centrifuges, mixers, stirrers and other mechanical equipment, if the noise brought by these is too large and lasts for a long time, it will have a negative impact on the health of laboratory operators and the accuracy of experimental results.With the continuous strengthening of people's health awareness, noise pollution has also attracted the attention of laboratory managers.


Centrifuges are widely used in laboratory experiments such as cell separation, DNA extraction, and protein precipitation. With the continuous advancement of experimental technology and the improvement of experimental environment requirements, the performance of centrifuges is not only limited to their separation ability, but also the noise level has become an important consideration when choosing a centrifuge. Choosing a low-noise centrifuge provides a safer and more comfortable working environment for lab staff and helps ensure the accuracy and reliability of experimental results.

Discussion on potential impact from centrifuge with big noise

Impact on operator comfort

If the centrifuge makes loud noises, these noises will make the operator feel irritable, tinnitus, hearing loss, headache and other effects which will have a greater impact on the working environment, and the laboratory operator may experience higher work fatigue and discomfort in this environment for a long time which will seriously affect the work efficiency and health.

Impact on the laboratory environment

Low noise helps keep the laboratory environment quiet, especially when a high level of concentration or sensitivity measurements are required, and environmental noise is often required to be minimized.

Using a centrifuge in the laboratory

Effect on experimental results

Some experiments are sensitive to ambient noise, which is often accompanied by vibrations that can cause the sample to shift or mix in the vessel, affecting the accuracy of the experiment. Vibrations can also have an impact on precision instruments such as microscopes, spectrometers, and high-precision balance devices, which require a stable environment to operate while vibrations can lead to deviations in the measurement data and affect the reliability of experimental results.

Low noise means stable running

Low noise usually indicates that the centrifuge is running smoothly and in good condition. Conversely, high noise can be a sign of wear, imbalance, or failure of components inside the device. Therefore, keeping noise levels low may help extend the life of the centrifuge and reduce the frequency of repairs and maintenance costs.

Industry Standard for noise

In general, the noise level of modern centrifuges is about 60-65 decibels (equivalent to the sound of a normal conversation).

Some laboratories may have stricter noise control standards based on their own specific circumstances. Especially in acoustically sensitive laboratories, such as those involved in auditory studies or the use of high-precision measurement equipment, the requirements for centrifuge noise can be even more stringent.

Noise Control of Welso Centrifuge

The Welso centrifuge is excellent in noise control, with noise levels up to 65 dB, which is relatively low in modern laboratory equipment. 65 dB is equivalent to the sound level of a normal conversation, which means that the noise generated by the centrifuge during operation will not significantly interfere with the working environment in the laboratory.

 Using a centrifuge in the laboratory1

In the design and manufacturing process, Welso uses high-quality, low-noise motors and is equipped with an intelligent drive control system to optimize the acceleration and deceleration process, reduce the noise of centrifuge starting and stopping, achieve smooth operation, and provide a quieter and more reliable working environment for the laboratory.

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