마이크로 보드 진동기

Microplate Shaker
WMPS100 is widely used in immuno-assays, ELISA, cell cultures, denaturation of nucleic acids and proteins, stains and blots. lt canhold up to 4 plates in one run.

제품 상세 정보


WMPS100 is widely used in immuno-assays, ELISA, cell cultures, denaturation of nucleic acids and proteins, stains and blots. lt canhold up to 4 plates in one run.

Microplate Shaker


• Easy fitting of any standard depth of 96 well or 384 well plates

• Microprocessor control to provide a uniform shake

• Compact design is ideal for placing in incubators, chambers and refrigerators

• LCD display for easy reading


Time range1min ~ 99h59min
Speed range200-1500rpm
Speed step value10rpm
Sample capacity4plates
VoltageAC100V-240V 50/60Hz

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